Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne on breasts pregnancy and acne on chest shoulders

A recent study in the British Journal of Dermatology showed that women who smoke are four times as likely as non-smokers to develop acne. Smoking narrows blood vessels and reduces the supply of oxygen to the skin weakening the creation of new cells, allowing the older cells to succumb to infection.
In some jobs, exposure to industrial products like cutting oils may accelerate. Normally, the patients will have both home treatment and prescription therapy, if they have this problem.
There are no treatments that are 100% effective in treating acne, and the best result is improvement, not perfection. There are several recommendations given to prevent acne from ever surfacing, but without an accurate cause for why the condition even appears, an exact diagnosis is difficult. Consult with a local skin care physician to decide if blue light acne treatment is right for you. It is a very safe and effective method, and although there are few side effects, you should be careful when approaching any type of medication. Different skin tones attract different bacteria and conditions, all of which may require a specific type of treatment in order to best solve the problem. Blue light acne treatment could be the right choice for you if you suffer from any type of acne.
tags: how to remove chest acne, can you develop acne in early pregnancy, acne skin care kits

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