Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to treat acne naturally

« ...Hot and cold packs are used for the acne treatment and to kill the bacteria's which are left on the skin a good scrub is used. It also has a healthy diet treatment. Acne can be prevented by having good food and very good personal hygiene. There are some home made remedies too for the homeopathic acne treatment. One has to go through a consistent treatment for completely break-out from the problem for future. They use topical and non-chemical (not harsh) ingredients for medicinal purpose. Usage with proper guidance is required for the homeopathic treatments....
...Are looking the best way to get rid of old acne scars? Most people who have acne scars do not know how to treat this problem and stuck with them for life, but do not worry you can get rid of this problem be motivated and prevent acne scars completely....»
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«...And I did find something that works very well. By making simple changes to my diet I managed to get rid of my severe acne. One of the foods I started to avoid was vegetable oil. The reason this helps a lot of is because vegetable oil causes hormonal imbalance, and this results in acne......»
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tags: placecol adult acne skin treatments, treatment for adult acne, how to treat cystic acne

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